Stylistics and Translation are two well established fields which are usually treated separately as two independent disciplines. However, in this work they have been presented as two interdisciplinary subjects in the area of translation studies. This is made possible through the extraordinary importance of style in translation. The book is…
: El presente estudio está dedicado a la traducción del género satírico y, en particular, de la ironía, como una técnica expresiva (o un recurso retórico) en obras de este tipo. Para el análisis traductológico hemos elegido los relatos satíricos de Mijaíl Zoschenko y Mijaíl Bulgákov, ambientados en la Rusia soviética,…
La primera tesis doctoral de la Universidad española sobre traducción y paratraducción de videojuegos tenía que presentarse en la UVigo. Ramón Méndez González, doctorando del Grupo T&P, nos presenta su investigación sobre la textualidad y la paratextualidad en traducción audiovisual y multimedia utilizando los videojuegos como corpus. Un crítico y…
The present volume of the BBT Book Production Series is a collection that gives the BBT translator some basic theoretical understanding about the nature of translation, provides him with knowledge about principal approaches to translation, and broadens the range of his information of language.In selecting the articles, we have asked…
Hyper-textual, open access Italian translation of Kant’s seven major political writings. Its preface tries to explain why the translations of classics should be open access and open licensed. The editor’s annotation to the essay “On the Injustice of Reprinting Books” contends that Kant, far from being an intellectual property forerunner,…
Esta tesis engrana las piezas de un trabajo en curso que comenzó hace años. Pretendemos no sólo posicionarnos dentro del campo que nos ocupa, la reflexión sobre autotraducción ñy por ende, también sobre traducción-, sino además sugerir al lector posibles modos de aprehender ese objeto. Uno de nuestros propósitos es…
The fact that Cavlacanti?s friend, Dante Alighieri, was a supremely fine poet ought not blind us to Cavalcanti?s own, rather different excellence. Both men were attracted to the dolce stil nuovo, the ?sweet new style? that emerged in thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante?s poetry was devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Beatrice,…
Dutch and Flemish language; Philosophy; Psychology De gesproken taal komt vóór de geschreven taal, zowel bij het taallerende kind als in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. De homo loquens was er eerst, pas veel later werd hij ook homo scribens. Daarom beschouwt de taalwetenschap de gesproken taal ook als haar…
Cuando la audiencia española prototípica asiste a la proyección de una película del denominado género bélico o simplemente de contenido militar, raramente es consciente de la falta de sincronía de contenido que a menudo sufre la traducción audiovisual de la jerga militar. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de…
This book is theoretically practical and practically theoretical. It seeks to establish a dialogue between the various theories of language use beyond denotation and applications that relate theory to practice with reference to translation. The book will surely be enjoyed by those looking for theories and their relevance to Arabic/English…
This report is the culmination of over a year of research, engaging multiple researchers and methodologies to answer our research questions. We marshal data from a number of sources in our analyses, including state and federal demographics, educational and financial statistics, surveys, interviews and anthropological fieldwork with Virginia’s Latino households.…
The following article is a revised and updated version of the opening address to the first event of the Marie Curie conference series ‘Multidimensional Translation’ (MuTra) held on May 2nd, 2005 in Saarbrücken. It describes the concept and methodology of Multidimensional Translation as a research project proposed to and accepted…
This is the final report of the ‘Study on best multilingual business practices in the EU’, conducted by Bureau van Dijk Information Management for the Directorate General for Translation in the European Commission. The study maps best multilingual business practices in European undertakings and presents a set of recommendations based…
Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe „Syngramma“ umfasst Vorträge aus demSommersemester 2008 sowie Wintersemester 2008/09, die im Rahmender altertumswissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe am Althistorischen Seminar derGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen präsentiert worden sind.Die thematische Spannweite der einzelnen Beiträge reicht in diesem Band geographischvon der eurasischen Seidenstraße bis zu dem prominenten Kampfplatzvon Kalkriese (mit Spuren einer römisch-germanischen…
El traductor y el intérprete, cuando trabajan, no están solos. Desde el momento en que asumen el compromiso de verter un texto en una lengua diferente de aquella en que fue creado, hasta aquel otro en que entregan su trabajo para que pase a formar parte del acervo de la…
La presente tesis de doctorado se centra en un an??lisis de tres grupos de conectores discursivos en espa??ol y en portugu??s: los opositivos, los causales-consecutivos y los aditivos, desde una perspectiva ret??rico-contrastiva (RC), fundamentada en las contribuciones te??ricas de Portol??s (1998;1999,2004); Montol??o (2001); Mart??n Zorraquino y Portol??s (1999), Dom??nguez (2002;2007),…
The articles in this anthology display the diversity of innovative approaches chosen in ongoing or concluded PhD and professorial dissertations in the field of German as a Foreign or Second language. They include studies in text comprehension research, critical needs analysis, discourse analysis, empirical didactics and analyses of the learning…
In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts, small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam,…
More people than ever are being trained to translate. However, the most dynamic sector of the labor market requires more than mere translation. The demand is increasingly for professional competence in a range of new technologies. Translators now need professional competence in the use of programs for translation memories, terminology…
The debate on universals has been stimulated by advances in cultural studies and the humanities in general. Considering literature as a universal feature that can be found in any culture, the question is: a) what are the characteristics of literature as an anthropological constant? b) which specific occurrences of literature…
The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. This book is an attempt to express the difficult nature of ethics, mysticism and religion, their problematic status in the modern world, and the possible justifications for…
This Linux localization guide is a compilation of the experiences of the Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya localization team while they worked on the localization of Debian and Morphix based GNU/Linux Distribution in Nepali. Special attention has been given in making the content useful to those undertaking the localization work for the…
This study analyses the characteristics of web translation within the specific context of the multilingual EUROPA website at the Directorate-General for Translation, comparing it with more traditional modes of translation and pinpointing strategies used by translators to localise their texts. The study involved comparing web translator interviews with literature on…
This report is a study of the mechanisms by which the status of translators is signalled in the European Union in 2011-12, with comparisons with the United States, Canada and Australia. The report is based on previous surveys and input from some 100 experts and informants. It offers sociological and…
Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo elaborar una propuesta pedagógica para la enseñanza de la traducción en la modalidad semipresencial. Dicha propuesta pedagógica partiendo del enfoque por tareas de traducción, así como de la formación por competencias, ha abarcado tres materias: iniciación a la traducción, traducción científico-técnica y traducción jurídico-administrativa,…
Economic, cultural, legal and political dimensions of translation in the EU, and different countries’ perceptions of translation. Translation (transposing a text from one language into another) unquestionably plays a major role in today’s world (daily life, information, interaction, cultural and economic activities, etc.) – and that role is growing with globalization…
The subject of this dissertation is children’s literature and the translation of books for children. Various aspects of both these subjects are discussed in order to present a comprehensive overview of this field. A definition and a review of the subject of children’s literature are given. The problems of adult…
Language research is currently in a state of flux. The phenomenon of language is not merely the topic of investigation in linguistics, it is examined by a multitude of scholars with different scientific backgrounds. In order to examine how these various disciplines approach language, a think-tank was founded in 2002,…
This collection brings together for the first time select works in English by the major Swedish modernist poet and critic Göran Printz-Påhlson. It was Printz-Påhlson who introduced poetic modernism to Scandinavia, and his essays and poems delve deeply into English, American, and continental modernist traditions. The volume includes Printz-Påhlson’s poetic…
Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beiträge gehen aus der Sektion Historische Pragmatik und historische Varietätenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie – Divergenzen und Konvergenzen hervor, die am 29. und 30. September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand. Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass historische Pragmatik…
This book offers a portrait of Leningrad in the 1960s, of its cultural life in those years permeated by a great hope for change. Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, is the heir and witness of the rise and fall of the ‘Soviet hope’ for an authentic change, its evolution and its…
The field of translation is in a state of transition, and software tools to support language translation are evolving with corresponding rapidity. Increasingly available internet resources are quickly expanding the possible and the practical when it comes to translating content, and processes and business models which have remained relatively staid…
Este documento viene a complementar las principales ideas expuestas en la ponencia que presenté, con motivo de las “VI Jornadas de Software Libre 2011”1, bajo el título “Traduciendo en comunidades de software libre”. Su propósito es el de orientar, de una manera práctica, la forma de colaborar con una comunidad…
La politique du multilinguisme de l’Union européenne poursuit trois objectifs: – Encourager l’apprentissage des langues et promouvoir la diversité linguistique dans la société; – Favoriser une économie multilingue performante; – Donner aux citoyens un accès à la législation, aux procédures et aux informations de l’Union européenne dans leur propre langue. La présente étude…
“Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà” applies the terminology and methods of various subfields addressing textual analysis in German, namely textual linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, speech linguistics and linguistic psychology, which are brought together in this study to attempt to develop, along with the specific…
Goals keep you focused and help you understand how to most efficiently allocate your time and resources. Research studies show a direct link between goal setting and enhanced performance in business.
From its inception, big business in the western industrialised world has been organised in national business communities. Central elements of these business communities are corporate board interlocks that constitute the notorious ‘Old Boys Network’. This corporate elite connects the centres of corporate governance. In recent times, these networks of the…
El presente libro no pretende ser otra cosa que la recopilación de todos los conocimientos que se nos imparte a los futuros traductores en las aulas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en la carrera de Traductorado de Inglés, y que quedan como conocimientos que se transmiten en forma meramente…
Since the 19th century national epics have had an important function in the cultural scene of almost every nation, and the same is true for the Central and East European countries that have regained their independence after 1989. The programmatic national epic was brought to life by the German Romanticism,…
La obra del siglo XIII Le Laude, de fray Jacopone da Todi, fue publicada en español, como traducción anónima, en 1576 en Lisboa. En nuestra investigación hemos tratado de sacar a la luz claves para la posible adscripción de esta traducción a uno de los traductores que trabajaron para fray…
The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period 2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in…
The study of this thesis is newfangled at the try to lay the foundations for an orientation from which translation studies not usually considered the issue of equivalence. At the same time, offers the theoretical framework necessary to understand the processes of change, the reason for the emergence of proverbs,…
El objeto de estudio de esta tesina es el cortometraje “Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man”. Se trata de una producción de la compañía “Whitestone Motion Pictures” ubicada en Atlanta. Esta productora ha autorizado, con ines educativos, a que se apliquen las técnicas de doblaje y postproducción a su…
In a time when Mormons appear to have larger roles in everything from political conflict to television shows and when Mormon-related topics seem to show up more frequently in the news, eight scholars take a close look at Mormonism in popular media: film, television, theater, and books.Some authors examine specific…
Sounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer's challenge to examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists, musicologists and sound artists working within…
¿Cómo traducimos una película en la que aparecen diferentes lenguas? ¿Qué técnicas de traducción adoptamos? ¿Subtitulación o doblaje para una película multilingüe? ¿Adaptamos los referentes culturales? Todas estas preguntas surgirían al encontrarse con un encargo de traducción de este tipo. Posiblemente muchas de ellas las respondería el estudio de doblaje,…
Controversies and problems with regard to language policy and language education still exist in Malaysia. Despite the attempts of language policy makers to promote multilingualism, the implementation has been marred by political and religious affiliations. Malaysia is a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities, the three largest being…
The present document is the final report of a six-month study conducted by LTC which addresses the need of a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the size of the language industry in the European Union. As well as presenting a snapshot of the current situation, estimates are provided of how…
Increases in the stock of ideas possessed by societies are central to modern economic growth. The implications of idea flows are striking: Klenow and Rodr´ıguez-Clare (2005) estimate world production would be just 6% of its current level if countries did not share ideas. Yet, although theoretical economists have studied ideas…
The mid thirteenth-century Dutch beast epic Van den vos Reynaerde is a fascinating reworking of the most popular branch of the Old French Roman de Renart and one of the finest examples of this popular genre, consisting of a lengthy cycle of animal tales which provided a satirical commentary on…
Überlieferte Originalstelen mit Inschriften der großen Könige Sargon undNar m-Sîn von Akkade, die im 23. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als erste ein Weltreicheroberten, sowie mündlich tradierte Sagen haben diesen beiden Königen einenherausragenden Stellenwert in der historischen Erinnerung der Babylonier undAssyrer verschafft. Dies führte zu einer Reihe erzählender Werke, die zum Teilwie…
El presente libro describe muchas teorías en términos de pocos paradigmas. Así ofrece un marco a la vez pluralista y orientador para el estudio de la traducción. Nuestro enfoque se limita a teorías occidentales, principalmente de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Demostramos que buena parte de las teorías pueden…
This document sets forth the Best Practices and Protocols for American Sign Language interpreters working within legal settings. The mission of the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) is to build and promote effective practices in interpreting education. The NCIEC draws upon the wisdom and energy of experts, consumers…
Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data collection of conversational Dutch and English…
This article aims to determine the image of professional translators in the localization industry. Based on a corpus consisting of white papers published by leading industry representatives and applying mainly quantitative analysis methods, we identify an increasing degree of industrialization within the language services market. The consequence of this development…
R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to record all ?new and interesting facts? about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian anthropology, Mathews published…
This study is based on the premise that interpreting is a social activity, which therefore needs to be described and analyzed with reference to the social, political and cultural context of the setting in which the interpreter operates. Sociopolitical aspects of interpreting at the International Military Tribunal for the Far…
This reader gathers essays, articles, and book chapters that represent many of the main approaches to the study of translation developed during the twentieth century, focusing particularly on the past thirty years. It was during this period that translation studies emerged as a new academic field, at once international and…
La traducción de la variedad lingüística estudia la traducción de las formas de hablar relacionadas con parámetros sociolingüísticos y situacionales, no sólo aquellos aspectos que dependen de la definición del perfil de un texto sino también en los niveles microtextuales señalados por marcadores específicos. La descripción del problema se hace…
Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) was the most prolific poet and playwright of his age. During his long life, roughly coincinding with the Dutch Golden Age, he wrote over thirty tragedies. He was a famous figure in political and artistic circles of Amsterdam, a contemporary and acquaintance of Grotius and…
El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación acerca del doblaje y subtitulaje audiovisual a través de la comparación de ambas modalidades en términos de género y contexto diferentes. El propósito del análisis se hará en función de determinar los procesos traductológicos empleados como lo es definir la labor del traductor…
Guide to Localization Management was created to assist the Localization Manager in planning, budgeting and executing a successful localization strategy. The publication seeks to provide a roadmap for managing localization efficiently with top quality results. The guide outlines various aspects of the Localization Manager’s responsibilities, discusses the value that the…
Intercomprehension is a relatively new field in linguistic research, which has focused mainly on the usefulness of intercomprehension in language teaching. The present study aims at broadening this scope. The study does not pretend to be academic, but to describe how intercomprehension is used in organisations, companies and society at…
This fourth edition of The Guide to Translation and Localization provides an overview of the many steps to take to bring products to the global marketplace. This book beganas a means to educate clients on the processes of translation and localization. The high demand for the first edition of the…
A raíz dun debate suscitado sobre a mellor maneira de emprender o negocio da tradución, a AGPTI decidiu comezar un proceso para compilar toda a información posible —baseada na experiencia das súas socias e socios—, co fin de elaborar unha mínima guía práctica con orientacións e recomendacións útiles para o inicio da actividade profesional da tradución e da interpretación. Comezou así…
The present monograph focuses on the history of Italian literature and language in Austria’s Habsburg past, covering the period from the Peace of Campoformido between Napoleon and Francis II in 1797 to the end of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918. The study reveals that Italian court poetry was amazingly alive…
Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media features a number of articles from different fields, reaching from cultural and media studies to literature, film and art, and from philosophy and information studies to law and archival studies. Questions addressed in this book are: Will handwriting disappear in the…
This thesis studies the false friends between Spanish-English languages that are presented to Taiwanese students in the process of learning the spanish language wave, and some solutions to these problems are provided.
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This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission. But now that so many texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in English by native and nonnative speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy references aim to…
Quality has always been a key concern to DGT, ever since the start of the Commission's translation service more than fifty years ago. Ensuring quality is also a duty for DGT as part of the European Public Service, and a requirement, since DGT must ensure legal certainty of texts that…
The study examines Jorge Semprun´s literary reflections on his experiences made in the concentration camp of Buchenwald in “Le grand voyage” (1963), “Quel beau dimanche!” (1980), “L´écriture ou la vie” (1994) and “Le mort qu´il faut” (2001) with the aim to show the development in his retrospective treatment of the…
21 articles give insights into German Studies outside the German-speaking countries. The contributions cover as wide a range as reports country by country, descriptions of individual profiles and local study plans, conceptual cross-country approaches and analyses of specific aspects of general relevance. In all their diversity, the articles demonstrate, besides…
This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of apocalypse, the depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapes in the aftermath of global destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films…
El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la traducción (inglés-español) de referentes culturales jurídicos en la ficción jurídica, especialmente en relación con las técnicas de traducción de los referentes culturales. Por ello, realizamos una revisión de las relaciones entre derecho, literatura y traducción. Asimismo, consideramos fundamental la revisión…
This volume consists of a collection of essays by five German scholars from various Italian universities – R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (editor) – and N. Šlibar from the University of Lubiana, that meld formal research and musical pace and structure with the pitiless radicalism and…
The research question of this MA thesis is "How do the different translations and adaptations of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Dutch reflect the contemporary opinions about the child, children's literature, and society?" In the thesis the translation history of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Dutch is analysed. Besides,it is briefly investigated…
As self-employed translation professionals, we are free to work with whatever clients and in whatever area of specialisation we choose. Some translators decide to work only for agencies, some work with a mix of select agencies and direct clients, and some prefer to work only with direct clients. Each business…
In the globalised world of today, traditional definitions of national Self and national Other no longer hold. The unmistakable transformation of German and Dutch societies demands a thorough rethinking of national boundaries on several levels. This book examines how literature of migration intervenes in public discourses on multiculturality in Germany…
Think-Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs is the first monograph published by Sayyab Books to meet the need for a specialist-publishing house. The aim is to enhance translation studies by providing the reader with high-quality books and monographs in the field of translation in general. The present title is one in a…
With communication playing an increasingly important role in contemporary society, rhetoric appears to have gained in influence and importance. The ancients knew all along: power belongs to those who know how to use their words. Nowadays, we know that rhetoric pervades all discourse. There is no communication without rhetoric. In…
The present thesis focuses on the reception of two English children's books--Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh--by Estonian children, with special attention paid to the notion of translatability and to those aspects of translation which may have an influence on reception. The basis for the comparison of the reception of…
This third volume of Lage Landen Studies offers a glimpse of recent international and internationalizing trends in Dutch Studies. It presents a comparative view of the virtually synchronic dynamics of the translation, promotion and reception of contemporary Dutch author Arnon Grunberg in five Romance languages between 1996 and 2009.This interdisciplinary…
El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de textos que tienen como origen las intervenciones de conferenciantes y ponentes invitados al II Coloquio Internacional «Escrituras de la Traducción Hispánica», que tuvo lugar en San Carlos de Bariloche entre el 5 y el 7 de noviembre de 2010, acogido por la Sede…
This volume provides a portion of the original text of Cicero’s speech in Latin, a detailed commentary, study aids and a translation. Ingo Gildenhard’s commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both high school and undergraduate level. It will also be of help to Latin teachers…
The chronicles of Gowa and Talloq are the most important historical sources for the study of pre-colonial Makassar. They have provided the basic framework and much of the information that we possess about the origins, growth, and expansion of Gowa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During this period Gowa…
Over recent decades the explosive growth of globalization and regional integration has fueled parallel growth in multi-lingual conferences. Although conference interpreting has come of age as a profession, interpreter training programs have had varied success, pointing to the need for an instructional manual which covers the subject comprehensively. This book…
An up-to-date manual conceived to guide the reader through the most interesting and recent theories in the vast field of psycho-neuro-linguistics. After a review of the latest theories on the perception and production of language in adult and developmental age, the most recent studies on the relations between anatomy and…
The present volume highlights a selection of contributions to the topic ofLSP Translation Scenarios within the Marie Curie Conference Series MuTra: Multidimensional Translation held between 2005 and 2007 at Saarbrücken, Copenhagen and Vienna. In Part I and II, it discusses fundamental theoretical concepts in LSP translation from text terminology to…
The subject of “The Breach and the Observance” is retranslation for the theatre. Besides offering a model that incorporates the findings of previous scholarship, it casts new light on the motivation behind retranslation, using the case of translations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on the Dutch stage. The history of Dutch Hamlet…
The Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau (‘the Bureau’) engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (‘PwC’) between January 16 and May 15, 2012 to conduct a benchmarking and comparative analysis study. The objectives of the comparative analysis study were to provide: • Information and analysis on the capacity of the Canadian industry to meet national…
The papers in this collection reflect on the various social effects of native title. In particular, the authors consider the ways in which the implementation of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth), and the native title process for which this Act legislates, allow for the recognition and translation of Aboriginal…
The first wave of the internet revolution changed expectations about the availability of information a great deal. Information that was stored in libraries, locked in government vaults or available only to subscribers suddenly became accessible to anyone with an internet connection. A second wave has changed expectations about who creates…
The intensification of exchanges in our globalised world has dramatically increased the need for a common language. More and more often this common language is English, considered by many to be today’s lingua franca and only secondarily the mother tongue of specific communities of speakers. The issue, however, is extremely…
This book provides some evidence why translation was crucial to the building of Europe and how translators help to make the European Union accessible to all.
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The present thesis is a study of Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) with special focus on the Portuguese context. On the one hand, it accounts for a descriptive analysis of SDH in various European countries with the aim of arriving at the norms that govern present practices and…
En el mundo de la pedagogía y en el de la traductología, especialmente, se viene hablando desde hace casi un siglo del fenómeno de los falsos amigos. Definidos como palabras de dos lenguas diferentes que presentan semejanzas formales y significados diferentes 1 (fr. table, esp. tabla ; fr. large, esp. largo…
Este volumen recoge las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en el II Congreso «El español, lengua de traducción», que, dedicado al tema «Las palabras del traductor», se celebró en San Pedro Mártir, sede de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídico-Sociales de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en Toledo, los días 20 y…
El 1 de octubre de 2010 se celebró en la sede de la Representación de la Comisión Europea en España, dentro de las actividades del Año Europeo de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social, la Jornada «La traducción y la interpretación contra la exclusión social», organizada por la…
In spite of the novel's position among the American Library Association's list of the one hundred most frequently censored books, The Catcher in the Rye (1951), by J.D. Salinger, is widely considered to be one of the most significant literary works of the twentieth century, frequently found in high school…