Think–Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs: Applying think-aloud protocols to hadhrami proverbs:  towards a descriptive model of the translation process | e-Books

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Think–Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs: Applying think-aloud protocols to hadhrami proverbs:  towards a descriptive model of the translation process

Think-Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs is the first monograph published by Sayyab Books to meet the need for a specialist-publishing house. The aim is to enhance translation studies by providing the reader with high-quality books and monographs in the field of translation in general. The present title is one in a series of titles prepared by Sayyab Translation Group (STG) founded by Sayyab Books in 2008. Its author applies think-aloud protocols (TAPs) to the translation of Hadhrami proverbs and concludes with a translating model, which describes the cognitive process that influence tha translator's decision-making. In-fact applying TAPs as a method of investigating translation as a process is by no means new. Ali Darwish (1997) in his doctoral thesis "Translation as Decision Making Process under Constraints" also utilizes TAPs as a method of examining the cognitive strategies employed by translators in order to make decisions while translating text under condition of uncertainty.

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