Welcome to Translation Journal
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Hello, and welcome to Translation Journal – TJ for short! We are thrilled to be a part of this great online resource for translators, interpreters and those interested in the industry.
You may already know the history of TJ, but for first-time visitors, here is a brief summary:
Translation Journal was started over 19 years ago and has been published quarterly ever since. That’s a whole lot of publications, and quite impressive!
Founder and editor Gabe Bokor is a legend in this industry. Gabe is a true polyglot – in fact, one might call him a hyperpolyglot – fluent in at least eight languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Hungarian, German, Swedish, and likely others! To learn more about Gabe, click here.
Gabe’s vision was for TJ to be a publication whose articles and resources would help translators manage the issues and challenges they encounter each day, as well as giving translators the spotlight and recognition they deserve. For more on TJ’s history, click here.
We couldn’t agree with Gabe more! Here's what you can expect to receive from this site.
Translation Journal is:
• A digital online journal for translators, interpreters, and interested friends of the translation industry.
• Written by translators, interpreters, and industry experts. (Guest writers welcomed!)
• A vast information clearinghouse.
• A platform to spotlight the talents and achievements of translators and interpreters.
What’s new:
• Regular email updates
• Click here to subscribe
• Advertising exposure for translation agencies & product and service creators.
• A Facebook Page for posting and exchanging wisdom with your colleagues.- Come check it out!
• Community section- Get to know other translators and interpreters.
• A calendar of events and notices of meet-ups.
• Additional resources such as courses, book recommendations, and tools.
• Even more to come!
If you are a translator, interpreter, or someone seeking to learn more about the translation industry, you’re in the right place!
Translation Journal can provide you with valuable information to help you with both your career and your personal life.
Each quarter, we aim to provide outstanding articles that address the issues facing translators and interpreters today, written by translators and interpreters who are experiencing the same issues that you are experiencing. We will also post articles from experts writing about their areas of expertise and sharing firsthand knowledge. We aim to provide only the best resources and information on our website. In addition, a new Forum section has been created for you to ask questions and receive answers both from your colleagues and from industry experts.
We have partnered with companies and individuals who have expressed an interest in providing products and services geared specifically toward translators and interpreters, and we receive discounted rates and specials for TJ email subscribers. Our list of partners is growing. If you are interested in becoming a TJ partner, click here.
Subscribe to Translation Journal email newsletter for free, and you’ll never miss any of the posted articles or special offers and discounts – they will be delivered straight to your inbox. The articles – written by translators, interpreters, and experts just like you – are intended to provide information, tips, trade secrets, and more. You will also have access to exclusive offers available only to email subscribers. Click here to subscribe to TJ’s bi-weekly email.
Do you like to write?
Why not write an article for TJ? Many previous authors say that having their article published in TJ greatly increased their visibility. Here are some benefits of publishing in TJ:
• Clients have contacted providers directly for projects after reading their articles in TJ.
• Published providers have been invited to speak at conferences.
• Articles originally appearing in TJ have been republished and into multiple languages.
• Writers have gained personal satisfaction from the act of writing and expressing themselves.
Translation Journal’s Future
Our goal is for TJ to continue to evolve, thrive, and grow. We are inviting you to be part of a talented community of translators and interpreters who are always seeking more – to be more knowledgeable and more successful, to learn more about the industry, to gain valuable tips and tricks to become more productive, to make more money, and to provide more service to our clients.
The original intent of TJ was, as Gabe Bokor so eloquently stated, “to showcase the talents of translators.” So why not showcase your talents? Submit an article for publication, post a topic to discuss in the Forum, help your colleagues by sharing your knowledge in the Forum, or comment on an article. We would like to hear from you! Let’s make this journal a valuable resource for people like us in the translation and interpreting industry.
The main features of TJ
There are three main features of TJ: the Quarterly Journal, Featured Articles section, Other Resources (free ebooks, calendar of events, how-to-guides etc..). When you subscribe to our free email updates, you’ll receive advance notification of posted articles and resources PLUS exclusive discounts, special offers, and notices for email-only subscribers.
Here’s more information:
Finally, we need to showcase your talents!
Why not write an article for TJ, post in the Forum, or comment on an article? You can gain
valuable exposure, both to members of the community and to potential clients.
Click here for more information on how to submit an article.
So head on over to Translation Journal and read, post, comment, and subscribe!
Karen Hodgson
Translation Journal Editor