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Fatima Noronha

 Question and Answer

  • What is your name?
    • Fatima Noronha
  • Where do you live?
    • Portugal
  • What made you decide to become a translator or interpreter?
    • I really enjoy working with languages
  • List one strength that you think sets you apart from your colleagues.
    • Specialised terminology knowledge
  • Name the one thing that you most enjoy in your translating or interpreting career.
    • Term mining
  • We all have worked on those not-so-perfect assignments. Write about one such assignment that was not ideal and what you learned from it.
    • After reading the first pages, I accepted one reviewing job which had an extremely poor quality of ranslation; it took me much more time than I planned and the profit, of course, dropped. 
      Lesson learned: check very well the text for reviewing before accept it and discuss the rate accordingly.
  • If you could go back in time to when you were just starting out as a translator or interpreter, what advice would you give to your younger self?
    • Stay focused, don't give up, learn as much as you can.
  • Name one resource – such as a phone app, CAT tool, website, and so forth – that you find especially helpful in your translating or interpreting work.
    • Termcoord.eu
  • What's the best book you've read this year?
    • La rebelión de las masas, Ortega Y Gasset



José Ortega y Gasset publicó en 1939, en la colección Austral, este ensayo flosófco que obtuvo una gran repercusión internacional en su día y sigue siendo en la actualidad una de las obras clave del pensamiento orteguiano. Esta edición conmemora los setenta años transcurridos desde entonces y ofrece la única edición autoriz

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