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Do you have a product or service or course you want to get NOTICED?!

Advertise in the Translation Journal Product or Service Directory.  Click here view current advertisers.

The Translation Journal is a highly visited website. The Journal site consistently organically ranks high (Google Page Rank 6) on internet searches.

We’ve lined up some amazing opportunities for our advertisers in the Product & Services and Course Directory.


Here’s what you get:


All your essential details will be presented in a profile in the Translation Journal Product & Services Directory, including your company description, name, logo, contact details, phone number, plus a direct link to your website and social media. 

We will promote your business repeatedly on social media channels and we will feature your product or service in our newsletters as well as in Featured Articles sections.  Whoohoo!

The Translation Journal website consistently receives over 50,000 unique visitors clicking on the website each month.  With this sort of traffic and links to your website we are confident you will see increased click throughs to your website and social media channels.  

Unleash the power of the Translation Journal reach onto your  website!

SPECIAL OFFER- More exposure
The Translation Journal readers are a smart and innovate and constantly looking for products and services to help them be more efficient and increase their sales and reach new customers.  If you have a product you wish to feature such as video tutorial let us know. 

Translation Journal readers also enjoy receiving special offers, discounts and deals on product and services. If you have a special offer, we will inform TJ readers by letting them know through our growing email newsletter list, posting online and promote in our social media channels.


7 Fabulous Reasons Why You Should Advertise in TJ Product & Service Directory:

  1. Attract  Customers – TJ audience are actively seeking to purchase products and services.
  2. In-Depth Profile –Craft the image you wish to present and list your company profile and contact details. 
  3. High Quality Exposure-- like this is invaluable:
    50,000 unique visitors per month
    Google Page rank of 6
  4. Website Traffic -Receive a link back to your website.  Unleash the power of the Translation Journal website onto your site.
  5. Trusted Site- Here at the Translation Journal, we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest levels of integrity in everything we do. We carefully curate every single article, advertisement and application to make sure that they all fit within the TJ vision and ethics. This means our audience has the highest trust and respect for the products and services we promote.
  6. Social Media and Industry Exposure.   We will repeatedly post about your product or service in Translation Journal social media sources as well featuring your company various sections of the TJ website through out the year. At least 5 postings.
  7. You Can Leap Frog Your Competition.  By listing your company in the directory, you, instead of your competition, will reap the benefits of increased exposure and traffic.

And all of these goodies are yours for only $150 USD for an entire year. 


So briefly, here are our promises to you:

1. Description Listing of your Product, Service or Course.  Here is a link

2.  Mentions on Translation Journal Facebook page, twitter and Featured Articles section.  A minimum of 5 mentions up to 12 depending on availability.

3. Powerful Links back to your website.

4. Confidence knowing you are listing your product information on a trusted site.

5.  Guaranteed more clicks back to your website.

The best thing you can do today is to:


LIST YOUR product or service TODAY!


Contact Translation Journal

Contact Us

Translationz Corp.
Tax File Number: 45-3936846
c/o B.T. Bryan Accounting Inc.


119 E Palatine Rd. Suite 101
Palatine, IL 60074




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