Notetaking for Consecutive Interpreting: A Short Course (Translation Practices Explained) | Book Recommendation

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Notetaking for Consecutive Interpreting: A Short Course (Translation Practices Explained)

Aimed at students of conference interpreting, whether on university and professional training courses or self-learners, Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting - A short Course offers future interpreters a step-by-step guide to the skill of note-taking, which forms an essential part of consecutive interpreting. The system proposed, made up of a range of tried and tested techniques, is simple to learn, consistent and efficient.

This is a book which can be read at one sitting, but is designed to be worked through over a number of months. Each chapter presents a technique, together with examples, tasks and exercises for the reader to complete - true to the motto "learning by doing". The book uses English throughout, explaining how and where to locate material for other languages. It thus constitutes a course which offers student interpreters in any language combination a sound and adaptable base on which to build as they develop their skills. It will also be a valuable resource for interpreter trainers looking for innovative ways of approaching this core element of interpreter competence. 

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